Frequently-Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

The cost is $19.95 (US) per month. Upgrade by clicking on the Account tab in your website Control Center to continue using your website after the 30-day free trial is over and get a custom domain for your website.

How are you different from Squarespace, Wix and WordPress?

Our system was designed specifically for performing artists whereas other services are more generic to serve a wider variety of clients. You'll find our system very intuitive which will make setting up and maintaining your website so much simpler.

How do I get help or more info?

Answers to most questions can be found in our Help Center, but if you have a problem or question that's not answered there, please send an email to for fast priority support.

How do I get a free domain?

If you don't already own a domain, we can provide you with one to use with your Kulture Shock website at no additional cost after you've upgraded your account. Please see this help article for more details. If you already have a domain, we'll set your website up to use your existing domain after you've upgraded your account. This help article explains how to do that.

How long has Kulture Shock been in business?

We've been providing website services to leading performing artists since 2001. In the decade before that Kulture Shock was a graphic design and digital media company.

Can I get a custom-designed website?

We offer free, beautifully-designed themes that you can easily customize with your own photos, fonts, and colors, giving your website a premium, custom-designed look. However, if you would like a completely customized design, please contact us by email. Custom design services start at $5,000 US.

Our system was designed specifically for performing artists, so setting up your website is simple and intuitive. And our professionally-designed themes are already beautiful. All you have to do is enter your content and add photos to personalize your look, creating a website as brilliant and talented as you are!